Volunteer Interest Form

We want your time spent with us to be worthwhile. Completing this application marks the initial stage in determining whether you are a suitable candidate for volunteering. If you have already registered to volunteer with us and see an opportunity you are interested in, please email us directly at volunteer@yai.org 
Contact Information

Volunteer Information

Please be advised, volunteers under the age of 18 will need to provide working paper documentation as a part of their clearance requirements. Volunteer opportunities for minors will differ, more details will be provided during the follow-up phone call. 

YAI Information

Thank you for your interest in volunteering. All applicants can expect to receive an email and/or phone call follow-up after submitting the volunteer interest form.  As a part of the volunteer approval process, all applicants will be required to read and sign YAI’s Code of Conduct, Nondisclosure Agreement, Waiver of Liability, and Parental/Legal Guardian Consent Form (if under age 18). Additionally, volunteers are required to successfully complete multiple background checks and trainings before beginning their volunteer service hours.